August 2018
CEVT | the future
24/08/18 03:07

Finished the work on a new film for CEVT. This was a fun film to create together with MFX.
NORTHVOLT | animation film
24/08/18 02:29

Northvolt wanted us to make them an animated film showing their batteries.
AMARANTHE | making the video
23/08/18 01:50
Follow Amaranthe, director Patric Ullaeus and his rEvolver Team when they create the music video for "365". Full video in The Behind Scenes Section.
LAST UNION | music video
20/08/18 02:31

LAST UNION came from Italy to Gothenburg to work with director Patric Ullaeus and his rEvolver team on their new video.
SVT | det stora racet
15/08/18 09:00

Photo by Patric Ullaeus for SVT
Patric Ullaeus has been working as a photographer on the new TV-series Det Stora Racet that will be aired on SVT with start the 4th of September. Produced by Fremantle Media.
Pressrelease in Swedish: Fyra folkrace-team bjuder in varsin kändis till en annorlunda sommar med mekande, bensinångor och fartfylld action vid tävlingsbanor runt om i Sverige. Kan Magnus Wislander, Elisa Lindström, Kodjo Akolor och Ellen Bergström bli folkrace-proffs? Programledare: Erik Ekstrand.
AMARANTHE | premiere
12/08/18 16:17
Directed by Patric Ullaeus |
"The band has found a new expression that reflects the new album. We are happy to exclusively be able to share the first single from it! '365' is the beginning of another new era, that leads us into the 10th year as Amaranthe. We can not get enough of the moments that immortalize our unit. 365 and a day, that's how you know...
It was great to be back with Patric as a director for the video. Enjoy and stay tuned for more to come very soon," says Elize Ryd.
"'365' is everything that Amaranthe stands for in 2018; fresh, innovative and with an extra dose of heaviness and raw strength! As a very first taste of 'HELIX', the song powerfully declares that we are not slowing down, nor getting stale, but constantly renewing the definition of Amaranthe, while staying very true to our core sound. Being back working with Patric Ullaeus again was as natural as it was inspiring, and resulted in a take no prisoners, no holds barred video, and shows off the band from a more raw side than ever before. Amaranthe is back - and how do you know? '365' and a day - that's how you know," exclaimed guitarist Olof Mörck.
12/08/18 15:55

Working on a new film about pain with the awesome people at Caladrius.
SHADOWQUEST | music video
01/08/18 01:13

ShadowQuest came to Gothenburg to work on their new music video with director Patric Ullaeus.